TTTTTT HH HH BBBBB TT HH HH BB BB TT HHHHHHH BBBBB THE HIDDEN BELOW TT HH HH BB BB (C) 1993,94,95 by TT HH HH BBBBB Soft Enterprises Changes from version 1.00 to 1.20F patch ====================================================== * Bug fix: Loading an old saved game during gameplay could occasionally lead to crashes. * Bug fix: The game was never allowed to use more than 3 MB of memory - this has now been increased to around 6.5 MB (more than enough ...) * Extension: When the main program is run it now checks if enough extended memory is available. If not, THB exits with an appropriate message, whereas before low memory simply crashed the game - although not immediately... * Bug fix: Due to a compiler error, certain computer / graphics cards combinations sometimes caused THB to refuse to start or to crash after a short time-this is now fixed- (Hello there, programmer of the memset() routine!) * Enhancement: Now that so many people have asked for mouse control, this is finally included in THB. However, this is only available in the actual game; the menus are still controlled via the keyboard. To adjust the mouse individually, the file C:\SE\THB.CFG may be changed as follows: Insert under [Setup]: mouseX = 256 mouseY = 256 These are the mouse sensitivities in X/Y- direction. 256 is the normal value, higher values accelerate more, smaller values move slower. * Change: When opponents hit the player with their shots, this often resulted in an explosion which was so large that one could see nothing else - since version 1.10 these big explosions are just not shown. * Extension: The current level is displayed on the screen. * Bug fix: There was still a very serious bug in some levels which either crashed the computer, added a few million to the score, or completely messed up the keyboard - This error is fixed now. * Bug fix: The exit on level 10 sometimes did not work. Was fixed. * Fix: A switch graphic in level 13 was not visible. Although the switch still worked, it could be seen only on the Automap. * Bug fix: In level 19, the time that the radioactive suit lasted was too short. The time was doubled here. * Enhancement: A new memory manager has been installed, which makes the gameplay slightly faster on computers with less than 4 MB of memory. (It must be swapped out less ...) * Change: The memory manager used was taken from Battle Race / Project Paradise, which exploits the existing memory more efficiently and is faster. * Change: The annoying transitions between each menu were dropped. * Change: The intro sequence was discarded. * Enhancement: In invincible-mode the life energy no longer drops.