Hi! Well, here it finally is, the (hopefully) long awaited DEMO VERSION of THB - The Hidden Below. There was in fact - as often happens - some delay before the demo was finally finished. The following things will be changed in the final version and will be available only in the full CD version: - Movie clips with voice output - Support for Roland MPU401 - Support for Thrustmaster joysticks or SunCom FlightMax - Optimization of game speed (we expect frame rate to be 10-15% higher than before) - Stereo sound effects on the Soundblaster Pro Once again, the key assignment in a nutshell: ---------------------------------------------- Arrow keys move LeftShift + Arrows run LeftAlt + Arrows strafe CapsLock Crouch-mode on/off LeftCtrl shoot Space Open door, Activate video monitors, pick up armor, activate switches, ... Tab Automap on/off (if available) Q, Y look up/down A Move view back to normal F1-F4, 1..9, 0 Change weapon (if available) F10 Infrared display F11 Night vision F12 Normal view D screenshot, lands in C:\ M FullScreen map mode F5/F6 Change resolution ESC End/Save In video-camera mode, the following keys: A automatic mode on / off Arrows rotate LShift / Ctrl zoom in / out Anyone who wants to can contact us. Suggestions and criticisms are welcome at any time. Our contact address: Soft Enterprises c/o Martin Hoffesommer Nordstraße 10 D-34630 Gilserberg Germany Fax: (+49) 6696 7108 ************************************************** ************************* An important note: THB / DEMO VERSION is legally a stand-alone product that can be copied and distributed free of charge in any form. The demo version includes graphics which are only available in the “Bloody-mode” version! (proof of age required) ************************************************** ************************* So, have fun! Soft Enterprises